Monday, December 28, 2015

Best Five Ways To Protect & Extend My Hard Drive.

HDD Failed!

Hard drives failure causes losing of data. Hard drive failure means non-working electronics or mechanical components that create a horrible Situation in which data recovery cost is very high and sometimes it May be complete data loss.

We can measure a drive by its rating in the name of “MTBF”, which is 
abbreviated form of ‘Mean Time Between Failures’, which indicates how long they will be usable or  typically last. Many hard drives have MTBF rating of 300,000 hours, which is a very long time no doubt, but that does not mean they are fail-proof at-all. In many cases we can find that they do fail under warranty time. If it happens we can replace the hard drive in free, but the loss of data is un-recoverable. From that angle data is very important. Protecting and extending the life of hard drives is vital for all. Here are five way "how to" protect the data by saving the hard drives.

1. We have check and buy a quality Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)       with surge protection. Storms, distorted or bad power sources can often cause power spikes (high or less output of voltage) and result in fast and complete drive failure. Many UPS devices offer software that lets you turn off the system during a power outage. Utilize this service to best protect your investment and data.
2. We have to be sure that the air around your system is too much ideal for long-term usage. Avoid high humidity and temperature, and to be ensuring that there is adequate airflow. Checking the venting of your hard drives and computer to be sure there isn't something blocking it. Who are lives in dry climax we can avoid the risk of static shocks by adding some humidity to the air. we can also simply touch a nearby metal object or connect wire before using your computer in order to get rid of the static charge. to the air. we can also simply touch a nearby metal object or connect wire before using your computer in order to get rid of the static charge.
3. Power management features are very important in many devices because they allow the hard drive to go into sleep mode and rest when not in use. We can turn the computer off entirely, especially overnight so we have to get the habit of powering off computer system.
4. We have to be more careful in case of handling computer external HDDs. We have to create backup first then change or move. While HDDs are convenient, it's best to designate one as your "travel" drive and then one or two other ones as our main computer storage drives.
5. Monitoring of the drive is essential, we can install a SMART (Self-Monitoring Analysis Reporting Technology) tool software to see if a drive is nearly close to being on the fritz. If you experience some read and write errors, causing excessive noise, or a change in the motor speed, this is your "patient" telling it's our time for replacement.

Many times we get the error massage when our HDD failed

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